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// ==UserScript== // @name Subs Adder [KAT] // @namespace PXgamer // @include **.html* // @include **.html* // @include **.html* // @include **.html* // @include **.html* // @include **.html* // @include **.html* // @version 2.7 // @grant none // @description Adds subtitle YIFYSubs link to KAT pages // ==/UserScript== if ($('.dataList').length==1) { if (/\/movies\//i.test($('span[id^="cat_"]').html())) { var imdbID = $('.dataList [href*=""]').html(); $('.dataList .normalText.redButton[href^="/bookmarks/"]').after(' <br><br><a title="Check YIFY Subtitles" rel="'+imdbID+'/" class="postLink icon16 textButton isearch subs"><span></span>check for subtitles</a>'); } else if (/\/tv\//i.test($('span[id^="cat_"]').html())) { var episode = $('.dataList li:first strong').html()+((/S\d\dE\d\d/).test($('.dataList ul:first').html()) ? ' '+$('.dataList ul:first').html().match(/S\d\dE\d\d/)[0] : ''); $('.dataList .normalText.kaButton[href^="/bookmarks/"]').after(' <br><br><a title="Check" rel="'+encodeURIComponent(episode)+'&Submit=Search" class="postLink icon16 textButton isearch subs"><span></span>check for subtitles</a>'); } } $(document).delegate('.subs', 'click', function() { var subLink = $(this).attr('rel');, '_blank'); });